Humanities and Understanding of the world

Humanities and Understanding of the world Enterprise resources

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To Help Save the Bees

Your challenge is to help save the bees by making a bee café. We have provided you with some resources to get you started.

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Ages 9 & 10
What is a bee hotel?
Use the presentation to teach the children about what a bee hotel is, where you put a bee hotel and how to know if your bee hotel has guests. This will inspire the children when it comes to designing and making their own bee hotels.
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Ages 5 & 6
What would you take?
in this presentation children will need to choose items that they would take on the ark choosing from different categories i.e. food item, item of clothing etc.
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Ages 7 & 8
What would you take?
Children will be challenged to devise a disaster survival kit, they will need to decide the best 5 items to take, giving valid reasons for their choices.
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Ages 7 & 8

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