About us

Our history, our purpose, our team and our ambition

Our history

2B Enterprising was founded by Sue Poole and Mark Hindmarsh –  who recognised that to make a significant change to the entrepreneurial skills of our workforce, we need to work with them from a very early age.

The resources and activities have been designed and developed by education and enterprise professionals – dedicated to inspiring future generations through innovative and accessible resources, activities and play.

Piloted initially with a small number of schools, the programme has received a great deal of input, feedback and support from teachers who recognise the needs of their primary school peers as well as the young people they teach. We are now working with hundreds of primary schools in England and Wales, and we continue to develop the resource portfolio and make meaningful connections between businesses and schools for the benefit of young people’s current learning experiences and future prospects. 

Our purpose

We want to inspire the next generation of ambitious, healthy, ethical and enterprising citizens who are able to confidently make decisions, communicate effectively and contribute positively to their community.

Collaboration and cooperation is a key element of our programme and we commit to supporting colleagues and our community to add value wherever possible.

Meet the team

The 2B Enterprising team comprises of talented individuals with commercial enterprise and academic backgrounds who collectively possess the range of complementary skills necessary to deliver our mission and targets.

We are all exceptionally passionate about The Bumbles of Honeywood programme having seen first hand the impact it can have on the learning journey of young people

Jayne Brewer

Chief Executive Officer

Mark Hindmarsh


Hannah Taylor

Operations Manager

Emily Lewis


Adam Darlow

Creative Designer

Tracy Bracher

Marketing Manager

Claire Dowd

Business Development Manager - Maternity Leave

Education Team

Rhiannon John

Education Team Leader

Kathryn Di Terlizzi

Education Coordinator

Gemma Pugh

Bilingual Education Coordinator

Catherine Davies

Operations Assistant/
Education Coordinator

Kate Davies

Education Coordinator

Frequently asked questions - Schools

The resources are fully funded and will support teachers in delivering engaging and exciting activities which hit a variety of learning areas within the curriculum. You’ll also benefit from 3 in-class activities covering a theme of your choice (approx. 45mins each). Whatever your learning timetable, the resources are flexible enough to be integrated on an ad hoc basis, or as part of a more structured programme week by week.

The resources have been developed by experienced learning professionals and enterprise leaders to ensure a good balance of curriculum demands and future skills requirements. The resources were piloted with 15 primary schools prior to rolling out our Corporate Partnerships programme.

We have made appropriate linkages to areas of learning that use the Four Purposes of the new Curriculum for Wales and the National Curriculum in England, so teachers can identify the most suitable resources to satisfy their learning outcomes. The resources can be searched via storybook, skill, and areas of learning as well as several other categories. You will find resources that have excellent links in promoting Math skills, oracy for the English curriculum and even objectives that explore health and wellbeing in and outside the classroom. 

Yes. Each lesson plan will include recommendations for those of mixed abilities so you can adapt depending on the needs of your class.

We employ education professionals to lead the activity sessions – all of whom have experience of working in a classroom environment and are fully trained to deliver The Bumbles of Honeywood programme. All staff are registered with EWC and have up to date DBS checks.

The activity sessions have been designed for approx. 30 pupils.

Yes, there are a selection of activities that can be hosted online. We also host regular drop-in sessions online for teachers who wish to familiarise themselves with the programme, ask questions or share ideas with The Bumbles of Honeywood primary school community.

Yes. We provide enough for up to 30 pupils but supplementary resources can be purchased at cost to roll the programme out to other classes.

The partnerships created are all unique. This is an opportunity to connect with a business who has an interest in developing the skill and futures of young people so we hope that the engagement will go beyond The Bumbles of Honeywood programme. It is of course, up to you how you involve them in anything beyond our engagement but we do hope you’ll have added value from the partnership.

We are now working with more than 220 primary schools across the UK. This number is growing on a weekly basis.

All resources have been produced bilingually so that Welsh medium schools can benefit from the programme at the same time as English language primary schools. We will be exploring the translation of The Bumbles of Honeywood programme into other languages in the future.

Yes, we encourage the schools and teachers we work with to refer The Bumbles of Honeywood programme to their friends and peers. Introductions made that result in us bringing onboard a new school will earn the referrer a selection of additional programme resources by way of a reward for their own school.

There is no catch. The resources are free to the school. Our unique corporate engagement partnership programme ensures we identify local/national companies who are willing to financially support the resources for a school(s) in their region. The business pays for the resources (which can be used across the school) as well as goodies for 1 class (30 children) and 3 workshops throughout the year. The school or business partner can choose to purchase additional resources and sessions if required.

The resources are targeted at ages 5-8 but can be used for those younger/older depending on the capabilities of young people.

The programme has been created for easy integration into any established or developing structure. The 2B Enterprising team will visit your school to introduce the programme to the teachers and talk through the options for use. We also share examples of great practice on our social media and in our newsletters – so please keep us updated with how The Bumbles of Honeywood is being used across our community of schools.

The resources are accessed via the www.2benterprising.co.uk website. You can search through the resources using category filters and will need the login details provided to all registered schools to download. You can download individual resources or ‘collections’ of resources to ensure you have the lesson plan and relevant ctivities in one visit. If you are not a registered school, you can still access the Sample Pack for teachers and a selection of FREE Resources for you to use in the classroom or at home.

The first workshop is our ‘Bee Networking’ activity where we encourage young people to familiarise themselves with introducing each other and talking about their strengths/ambitions. We have a selection of other activity sessions to choose from which are discussed with the teacher prior to the second and third sessions so we can fit in with themes or specific areas of focus.

The activity sessions are between 45 mins and 1 hour.

The resources are paid for by your Corporate Engagement Partner. We identify businesses who are looking to engage with their local community with a valuable offer and we connect school with a local or national business to create the Partnership Programme.

Yes. We provide 3 workshops as part of the core programme, however if you would like additional sessions – please speak to a member of our team or email info@2benterprising.co.uk.

We would love for all schools to use the resources as frequently as possible but, we also realise that there are a multitude of other programmes covering different topics which need to be timetabled. In order to secure business funding and support year on year, it would be beneficial to feedback to your Corporate Engagement Partner how you are using the resources and how valuable they are to your school. If you are on Twitter or any other social media if you could also tag us and your business partner.

Yes. Whilst we are a small team, there is always someone available during office hours who is able to help or answer any questions you may have. We welcome any feedback and suggestions for additional resources that might be useful for you and your colleagues. Get in touch via info@2benterprising.co.uk or call 01792 277694.

Yes. We have bilingual staff to lead the workshops at Welsh medium primary schools.

We hope you’ll enjoy the programme and want to continue being a part of The Bumbles of Honeywood family. We hope that your Corporate Partner will continue to provide support for your school year on year, but if required, we will work with you to find an alternative partner to fund the resources. Each year of support brings a new set of resources for the class plus three more activity sessions. It is our intention to work with Years 1 and 2 in the first year of partnership, Years 3 and 4 in the second year of partnership and Years 5 and 6 in the third year of partnership – before we return to the start with refreshed resources and new sessions for the school. 

Frequently asked questions - Businesses

The programme costs £1148 + VAT per primary school for a 12 month engagement. This includes a set of books, over 120 digital resources and a hive of goodies for both teacher and up to 30 pupils. The annual fee includes 3 activity sessions designed to introduce teachers to the programme and also lead fun, engaging and exciting enterprise skills sessions with pupils.

You may wish to choose a school that is located in close proximity to your business or offer clients/employees the option of voting for a school that is important to them. As long as the primary school is not already being supported by another business and is interested in receiving the programme, we can work with them. We have a list of schools interested in joining the programme so please contact us to discuss further.

As soon as you’ve selected a school, we make contact with the Headteacher to introduce the programme (if they are not already familiar with us) and let them know they’ve been successful in securing a partner. We then book their first activity session which is an opportunity for us to give the teachers insight into the programme and introduce you and your business.

We would recommend a maximum of two people attend from the company, its also a great idea to send employees from different job functions so the children get to hear about a range of career opportunities available in your sector.

No problem at all! The bilingual educational team will ensure you still feel involved during the workshop.

We understand it is not always possible to attend an activity, but we do encourage you to make every effort to do so. This is where you, your business and the children will get the most benefit out of the partnership, as you will be able to give them valuable insight into the world of work. If you always plan to send two people, then fingers crossed you will always have at least one attendee at each session. Please inform our Operations Manager via email – mo@2benterprising.co.uk if you’re unable to make the session or if you’ll be sending someone else in your place. The activity will still go ahead as planned.

The partnerships created are unique and we have seen a number of primary schools visit partner sites to see operations first hand or heard of company representatives being invited to primary schools to ‘judge’ competitions. They’ve also gone on to sponsor sports teams or plant trees. We encourage you to do whatever you can to maximise the relationship and make it as unique as the young people you are supporting.

Yes! We would welcome introductions to primary schools who you think would benefit. Please email information to info@2benterprising.co.uk

The Bumbles of Honeywood programme is currently available across the UK but we are very open to exploring how the benefits could be expanded geographically. Please get in touch if you are interested in widening access.

Yes. We welcome businesses choosing more than one school to broaden the benefits of their support and positively impacting more young lives. We currently have businesses supporting 15 schools, but you can choose to support any number of schools. Please contact us to discuss further.

The 2B Enterprising team will be hosting 3 workshops per annum and we would like a representative from your organisation to also join. Each session lasts approx. 45mins – 1 hour, however, there is no expectation to attend each session. We will always ensure your partner school knows who has supported them. If you wish to offer additional benefits i.e. school visits, we’d very much encourage you to do so.

There is no expectation to do anything other than be present and introduce yourself to the teachers/pupils. It would be great if you could also introduce the business and share insight into the roles and skills that are needed to work in your industry. The young people also love for visitors to get involved in the activity… but we promise not to make anyone wear the Betty Bumble costume (unless they REALLY want to).

Every school is different so it’s important to approach every visit with an open mind. Our staff are DBS checked and there will always be a member of staff present in the room during the delivery sessions. Photography may be limited and photographs will need to be approved by staff prior to publishing. Rest assured our staff will brief you in advance of any visit to a school and if you have any questions at any point – please contact info@2benterprising.co.uk or call 01792 277694.

We have a number of social media channels that are used by both primary schools and ourselves to share the great work being done through The Bumbles of Honeywood programme, please do follow us and your chosen schools on all these channels so that you can like and repost and create your own posts. Please refer to our Business Toolkit for more information. Depending on the level of support you commit to, we can offer opportunities for specialist PR and invitations to events to maximise exposure of your involvement. Please contact our Marketing & Communications Officer; tracy@2benterprising.co.uk to discuss further.

Yes! We would very much welcome introductions to businesses who have a similar ethos to ourselves and our existing partners. We want to work with organisations who are committed to making a change and supporting young people with opportunities to learn enterprise skills. Please ask them to get in touch via info@2benterprising.co.uk.