Bee exercising

Bee exercising Enterprise resources

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Bee exercising
Children to recall the key events in the book 'Bumble Buzz'. Betsy and Blue organised a daily Bumble Buzz Fitness Class for all the bees in the hive to help them stay fit and healthy. Discuss with the children what keeping fit means.
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Ages 5 & 6
Being healthy
Use the presentation to think about what it means to be healthy. Learn about exercise and a balanced diet and how important these are to live a happy and healthy life.
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Ages 5 & 6
Exercise record (HA)
Complete the exercise record, make a prediction of how many of each exercise you can do in 3 minutes. Calculate the total they completed and the difference between their prediction and total.
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Ages 5 & 6
Exercise record (LA)
Complete the exercise record, make a prediction of how many they can do in 3 minutes and record the total number they complete.
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Ages 5 & 6

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