Habitat estate agents

Habitat estate agents Enterprise resources

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Habitat estate agents
Use this activity to look at habitats in more detail. Consider where animals live and the reasons they live there. The children will choose a minibeast that has taken their interest and create a profile for a minibeast habitat estate agent.
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Ages 5 & 6
Minibeast estate agents (HA)
Use the template to create your habitat estate agent profile. Think about the type of home your minibeast would live in and draw their home.
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Ages 5 & 6
Minibeast estate agents (LA)
Use the template to create your habitat estate agent profile. Think about the type of home your minibeast would live in and draw their home. Tick the materials that would be included in the minibeasts home.
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Ages 5 & 6
Minibeast Habitats
Use the presentation to teach the children all about minibeasts. Discuss each of the minibeasts and learn some fun facts about them.
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Ages 5 & 6

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