
Creative Enterprise resources

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Back-to-Back Drawing – Lesson Plan

Use the picture cards to describe the image to a partner.

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Ages 5 & 6
Being More Sutainable and Resourceful
Use the presentation to learn about being sustainable and resourceful linked to our environment.
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Ages 7 & 8
Being Sutainable and Resourceful
Challenge the children to think creatively to solve problems and create new ideas.
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Ages 7 & 8
Bella Bumble’s Waggle Dance – Storybook

Bella Bumble is a kind, caring and enterprising little bee, she loves flying with her bee friends and collecting pollen from beautiful flowers. One day, she wakes up to find that her the bees in Honeywood hive, have been taken ill after drinking dirty water from the local river. Bella Bumble is full of energy and keen to find a fresh supply of good clean water for the bees in the hive. She flies off on her adventure and meets new friends along the way. Bella learns that partnerships and friendships are very important and that by working together you can achieve a lot more than working alone.  

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Ages 5 & 6
Bella’s journey
Bella goes on a journey to find fresh water to save her sick friends. Use the landmarks from the story that Bella passes and start to create your own class story map.
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Ages 5 & 6
Bella’s journey
Download the cut outs of the landmarks in Honeywood. Bella goes on a very important journey to save her sick bee friends. Use the landmarks to make your own story map for Bella's Journey.
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Ages 5 & 6
Bertie Bumble’s Exciting New Job – Storybook

Bertie Bumble has shown himself to be a brave, confident and resilient member of the Honeywood community which Queen Beeatrice recognises. She is so proud of him that she asked him to become a professor of Science at Honeywood University Bertie can’t quite believe it and he wonders if he is good enough to take on this very important job. 

He seeks advice from his Aunt Betty in the hope that she can relieve his self-doubt. Will Bertie believe in himself and have the confidence to take on this important job?

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Ages 7 & 8
Bertie’s Magic Medicine
Use this presentaion to set the magic medicine challenge, setting out the criteria.
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Ages 7 & 8

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