Rydym yn awyddus i gysylltu busnesau ac ysgolion cynradd…

Rydych chi wedi allgofnodi ar hyn o bryd.


eich ysgol i lawrlwytho adnoddau

Swydd Newydd Gyffrous Gwyn Gwenynen

Mae’r Frenhines Dilia wedi gofyn i Gwyn fod yn Athro ym Mhrifysgol Coed y Mêl. Nid yw’n sicr os yw’n addas ar gyfer y swydd bwysig hon.
Mae’n gofyn i’w deulu os ydyn nhw’n meddwl mai fe yw’r gwenyn gorau ar gyfer y swydd. Dywed wrth y Frenhines Dilia ei fod yn bleser ganddo i dderbyn y swydd a’i fod yn gyffrous i greu moddion newydd i helpu’r holl greaduriaid bach yng Nghoed y Mêl.

Gweithgaredd i ddatblygu a dangos sgiliau entrepreneuraidd – rhoi’r dysgu o lyfrau Gwenyn Coed y Mêl a’r adnoddau addysgu atodol ar waith.

Cynlluniau gwersi

Cynllun manwl i gynorthwyo athrawon i gyflwyno gwers sy’n ymroddedig i ddatblygu meddylfryd entrepreneuraidd. Gan dynnu sylw at feysydd dysgu a sgiliau allweddol a astudiwyd, bydd y canllaw gwersi hwn yn nodi’r adnoddau priodol sydd eu hangen ar gyfer gweithgareddau a hefyd opsiynau gwahaniaethu ar gyfer galluoedd amrywiol.


Cyflwyniad PowerPoint i gefnogi’r ddealltwriaeth o themâu amrywiol a astudiwyd yn llyfrau Gwenyn Coed y Mêl ac atgyfnerthu’r sgiliau sydd eu hangen i ddatblygu meddylfryd entrepreneuraidd.

Opsiynau lawrlwytho

Ar gyfer lawrlwytho diderfyn
a chofrestrmynediad i dderbyn gwybodaeth am Wenyn Coed y Mêl.

Swydd Newydd Gyffrous Gwyn Gwenynen Adnoddau Menter

Archwiliwch yr adnoddau gan ddefnyddio’r amryw gategorïau yn dibynnu are eich thema neu’ch deilliannau dysgu dewisol. Gadewch yr hidlydd categori ar ‘POPETH’ os nad oes gennych ddewis penodol neu os hoffech ehangu’r dewis o adnoddau.

Hidlo Adnoddau Llyfrau

Lawrlwytho Adnoddau Llyfrau

Anghenion a Dyheadau
Defnyddio'r cyflwyniad i drafod ac eglurhau beth yw anghenion a dyheadau a'r gwahaniaeth rhyngddynt.
Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8
Anghenion a Dyheadau
Deall y gwahaniaeth rhwng anghenion a dyheadau a pham ein bod yn gweithio.
Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8
Bertie Bumble’s Exciting New Job – Job Quiz – Activity 1

You will be given 4 clues to help you guess what you think the job could be. With your partner or in a small group can you guess what the job is?

Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8
Bertie Bumble’s Exciting New Job – Job Quiz Word Mat – Activity 1

You will be given 4 clues to help you guess what you think the job could be. Use this word mat to help reach a decision.

Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8
Bertie Bumble’s Exciting New Job – My Dream Job – Activity 2

If you could have any job in the whole world, what would it be? Write 2 clues for your friend to guess what your dream job could be.

Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8
Bertie Bumble’s Exciting New Job – Presentation

Bertie Bumble has shown himself to be a brave, confident and resilient member of the Honeywood community which Queen Beeatrice recognises. She is so proud of him that she asked him to become a professor of Science at Honeywood University.

Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8
Bertie Bumble’s Exciting New Job – Resource Collection

Bertie Bumble has shown himself to be a brave, confident and resilient member of the Honeywood community which Queen Beeatrice recognises. She is so proud of him that she asked him to become a professor of Science at Honeywood University Bertie can’t quite believe it and he wonders if he is good enough to take on this very important job. He seeks advice from his Aunt Betty in the hope that she can relieve his self-doubt. Will Bertie believe in himself and have the confidence to take on this important job?

Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8
Bertie Bumble’s Exciting New Job – Storybook

Bertie Bumble has shown himself to be a brave, confident and resilient member of the Honeywood community which Queen Beeatrice recognises. She is so proud of him that she asked him to become a professor of Science at Honeywood University Bertie can’t quite believe it and he wonders if he is good enough to take on this very important job. 

He seeks advice from his Aunt Betty in the hope that she can relieve his self-doubt. Will Bertie believe in himself and have the confidence to take on this important job?

Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8

Lawrlwytho Adnoddau Llyfrau

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