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Cyfathrebu Adnoddau menter

Archwiliwch yr adnoddau gan ddefnyddio’r amryw gategorïau yn dibynnu are eich thema neu’ch deilliannau dysgu dewisol. Gadewch yr hidlydd categori ar ‘POPETH’ os nad oes gennych ddewis penodol neu os hoffech ehangu’r dewis o adnoddau.

Hidlo Adnoddau Sgiliau

Lawrlwytho Adnoddau Sgiliau

Teamwork – Lesson Plan

Discuss the importance of working as a team to tackle difficult situations. Just like the bees, the children must help and support each other. Use the activity and presentation to understand what makes a good team and then put this to the test in 6 Bee Brilliant challenges.

Gweld adnodd
Oesoedd 5 & 6
Teamwork – Top Team Skills – Activity 1

Use the mind map to encourage the children to think about what skills you need to be a top team. Write or draw the skills on the mind map and encourage the children to think which of those skills they are good at.

Gweld adnodd
Oesoedd 5 & 6
Templed fy Ffrind
Defnyddiwch y templed i’r plant feddwl am un o’u ffrindiau. Anogwch nhw i fedddwl am 3 rheswm pam mae’r person hwnnw’n ffrind da iddyn nhw a sut maen nhw’n gwneud iddyn nhw deimlo.
Gweld adnodd
Oesoedd 5 & 6
Templedi Stribedi Comig
Defnyddio'r templed i gynllunio stribed gomig.
Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8
The Bumbles of Honeywood – Resource Collection

The Bumble family live in a hive at the heart of Honeywood and work together to create yummy, runny honey. In The Bumbles of Honeywood storybook, the family take a trip to the town hall where they meet new creatures and learn all the skills they need to help introduce themselves to others. Betty and Barry Bumble use the event to do some networking which is great for business!

Gweld adnodd
Oesoedd 5 & 6
The Bumbles of Honeywood – Storybook

The Bumble family live in a hive at the heart of Honeywood and work together to create yummy, runny honey. In The Bumbles of Honeywood storybook, the family take a trip to the town hall where they meet new creatures and learn all the skills they need to help introduce themselves to others. Betty and Barry Bumble use the event to do some networking which is great for business!

Gweld adnodd
Timau Siarad
Disgyblion i feddwl yn greadigol am ddatrys problemau a chyfathrebu'n effeithiol drwy weithgareddau siarad tîm.
Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8
Trefnu Anghenion a Dyheadau
Defnyddio'r cardiau lluniau a'u trefnu yn ôl yr hyn sydd ei angen arnom a'r hyn rydyn ni'n dyheu am gael.
Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8

Lawrlwytho Adnoddau Sgiliau