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Creadigol Adnoddau menter

Archwiliwch yr adnoddau gan ddefnyddio’r amryw gategorïau yn dibynnu are eich thema neu’ch deilliannau dysgu dewisol. Gadewch yr hidlydd categori ar ‘POPETH’ os nad oes gennych ddewis penodol neu os hoffech ehangu’r dewis o adnoddau.

Hidlo Adnoddau Sgiliau

Lawrlwytho Adnoddau Sgiliau

Dyluniwch smwddi (GU)
Eich tasg yw creu a dylunio eich smwddi eich hun. Rhestrwch y cynhwysion a’r offer y bydd eu hangen arnoch a chofiwch ysgrifennu’r dull. Peidiwch ag anghofio ei enwi!
Gweld adnodd
Oesoedd 5 & 6
Dyluniwch smwddi(GI)
Tynnwch lun a labelwch y cynhwysion yr hoffech eu defnyddio yn eich smwddi ffrwythau ac amlinellwch y camau y byddwch yn eu cymryd wrth feddwl am wneud smwddi.
Gweld adnodd
Oesoedd 5 & 6
Dysgu am Negeseuon Fideo
Defnyddio'r cyflwyniad i ddysgu mwy am negeseuon fideo a phaham eu bod yn cael eu defnyddio.
Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8
Dysgu am Weiren Sip
Defnyddio'r cyflwyniad i osod yr her weiren sip, gan nodi fod angen dilyn y briff.
Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8
Enghreifftiau smwddi
Edrychwch ar yr enghreifftiau a’u defnyddio fel ysbrydoliaeth ar gyfer eich dyluniadau smwddi eich hun. Meddyliwch am y cynhwysion a’r enw.
Gweld adnodd
Oesoedd 5 & 6
Festival of Fun – Resource Collection

The Bumbles of Honeywood have overcome lots of challenges over the past year. They fought off the nasty hornets, then recovered from the awful Beezles pandemic. Straight after that came ‘Storm Suzy.’ To lift everyone’s spirits, Bella and Bobby decide to organise a Honeywood Festival of Fun! Barry Bumble and his worker bees are asked to build a theatre, and Bella Bumble writes a play for the minibeasts to act on the stage. She loves writing exciting, fun stories. Bobby loves to make things, so he’s in charge of making all the costumes. The little bees ask for help from their friends to make the Honeywood Festival of Fun a huge success.

Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8
Festival of Fun – Storybook

The Bumbles of Honeywood have overcome lots of challenges over the past year. They fought off the nasty hornets, then recovered from the awful Beezles pandemic. Straight after that came ‘Storm Suzy.’

 To lift everyone’s spirits, Bella and Bobby decide to organise a Honeywood Festival of Fun! Barry Bumble and his worker bees are asked to build a theatre, and Bella Bumble writes a play for the minibeasts to act on the stage. Bobby loves to make things, so he’s in charge of making all the costumes. The little bees ask for help from their friends in an attempt to make the Honeywood Festival of Fun a huge success.

Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8
Ffeiloffaith gwledydd
Defnyddiwch y templed hwn i greu ffeil ffeithiau gwlad. Tra bod y plant yn dysgu am ddiwylliannau o gwmpas y byd, anogwch nhw i weithio fel tîm i lenwi’r ffeil ffeithiau.
Gweld adnodd
Oesoedd 5 & 6

Lawrlwytho Adnoddau Sgiliau

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