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Hornet Scramble

The bees work together to overcome disruption in Honeywood caused by a nest of nasty noisy neighbours! Teamwork at its very best.

The peace and tranquillity of Honeywood Hive is disturbed when a nasty hornet starts stealing their honey during the night and disturbing their sleep. Bertie leads the worker bees to try and solve this BIG problem peacefully. They decide to try and help the nasty hornet change his ways. They show him the magic of friendship and how if they all work together as a team and be kind to one another by sharing resources (including yummy, runny, honey), life could be much happier for everyone.


An activity to develop and demonstrate entrepreneurial skills - putting into practice the learning from The Bumbles of Honeywood storybooks or supplementary teaching materials.

Lesson Plans

A detailed plan to support teachers in delivering a lesson dedicated to the development of an entrepreneurial mindset. Highlighting areas of learning and key skills explored, this lesson guide will identify appropriate resources required for activities and also differentiation options for varied abilities.


A PowerPoint Presentation to support the understanding of various themes explored in The Bumbles of Honeywood storybooks and reinforce the skills required to develop an entrepreneurial mindset.

Download Options

For unlimited downloads and access register to receive information about The Bumbles of Honeywood here.

Core Skills

  • Teamwork
  • Determination
  • Leadership
  • Problem Solving

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