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Penderfyniad Adnoddau menter

Archwiliwch yr adnoddau gan ddefnyddio’r amryw gategorïau yn dibynnu are eich thema neu’ch deilliannau dysgu dewisol. Gadewch yr hidlydd categori ar ‘POPETH’ os nad oes gennych ddewis penodol neu os hoffech ehangu’r dewis o adnoddau.

Hidlo Adnoddau Sgiliau

Lawrlwytho Adnoddau Sgiliau

Her – Storm Siwsi
Her Bychan - Dylunio a chreu cartref newydd ar gyfer y gwenyn wedi i'r storm orffen.
Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8
Her – Yr Ŵyl Hwyl
Her Bychan = Herio disgyblion i greu eu model eu hunain o reid ffair sy'n cylchdroi.
Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8
Her 2 – Cludiad y Lindys
Her Bychan - Disgyblion i ddyfeisio ffyrdd o helpu cleifion i gofio cymryd eu moddion ar yr amser cywir.
Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8
Her Croesi’r Afon
Herio disgyblion i gydweithio fel tîm i ddatrys problem croesi'r 'afon' gan ddefnyddio cerrig stepiau yn unig (darnau o bapur A4).
Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8
Her Lloches
Defnyddio'r cyflwyniad i osod yr her lloches gwrth-ddŵr, gan ddarparu'r briff a'r cwestiynau gwerthuso.
Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8
Her Siapiwch Hi Wenyn
Trefnwch a chrëwch ddosbarth ffitrwydd. Heriwch y disgyblion i greu dosbarth ffitrwydd eu hunain. Medddyliwch am gynllunio’r sesiwn, pwy fyddan nhw’n ei wahodd a sut byddan nhw’n hysbysebu. Cofiwch werthuso sut aeth y sesiwn a beth allai fod yn well.
Gweld adnodd
Oesoedd 5 & 6
Honeywood High – Resource Collection

Bobby and his mum Betty find their school has been damaged by the farmers’ machinery cutting back the hedgerow. Betty is a teacher at the school and she asked Bobby to help her find a place for the new bee school. Bobby is keen to help and he thinks about the most important features for a new school. He ventures away from the hive out into the countryside to find the perfect spot – he wants to make his mum, Betty, proud. When he returns, he shares stories of his adventures with the whole hive. Bobby inspires the other bees to be determined, problem solvers and feels that the whole adventure was very rewarding.  

Gweld adnodd
Oesoedd 5 & 6
Honeywood High – Storybook

Bobby and his mum Betty find their school has been damaged by the farmers’ machinery cutting back the hedgerow. Betty is a teacher at the school, and she asks Bobby to help her find a place for a new bee school. Bobby is keen to help, and he thinks about the most important features needed for a new school. He ventures away from the hive out into the countryside to find the perfect spot – he wants to make his mum proud. Did he find the perfect spot? When he returns, he shares stories of his adventures with the whole hive. 

Gweld adnodd
Oesoedd 5 & 6

Lawrlwytho Adnoddau Sgiliau

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